For those facing a federal or state tax
audit, let us be your shield.
We’ll Protect You
With a core of more than 70 attorneys and a diverse
team of professionals (including CPAs, engineers,
chemists, biologists, computer engineers and others)
alliantNational can handle any situation encountered
in the audit process. Although many CPAs are familiar
with the application of the substantive law, additional knowledge and experience applying the numerous
procedural mechanisms available to taxpayers can be
invaluable in determining the course of your audit.
alliantNational’s team of experts helps with:
- General Consulting
- Pre-Examination Analysis
- Risk Analysis
- IRS Service Center Support
- Audit Planning and Defense
- Examination Planning
- Conference Appeals Representaiton
- Litigation Support
What Does Audit Defense Mean
Businesses are always striving to increase their bottom line, and oftentimes this involves taking as many
tax deductions and credits as possible in order to reduce the company’s tax liability. The IRS is constantly
on patrol for businesses claiming any deductions or
credits that the agency deems to be “out-of-the-ordinary,” even if the company has rightfully claimed those
If the IRS suspects a business has wrongfully claimed
a deduction or credit, the agency can place the company’s tax return, or returns, under audit. These audits
can be done through the mail, at a company’s place
of business or even at an IRS field office. Audits can be
both incredibly overwhelming and intimidating for any
business, regardless of their tax experience.
What Does Audit Defense Entail?
A proper audit defense requires a detailed plan of attack with measured responses. The primary concerns
when creating an expert audit defense include:
- Efficient communications with the responsible IRS agents
- Developing a strategy to give the taxpayer multiple options
- Ensuring minimal financial impact for the taxpayer
- Detailed preparation of IRS documents to present to the agency
- Preparing witnesses for agency interviews or testimonials
- Delivering written memorandums in response to tax issues flagged by the agency
- Representing the taxpayer’s interest before the IRS National Office or U.S. Tax Court
We’ll Be Your Defense
Already under audit? alliantNational will help you or
your client avoid consequences from the IRS, including understatement and negligence penalties, as well
as the potential unwinding of the captive formation
and subsequent loss of benefits.
The time to act is now, and alliantNational can help
defend your interests with:
- Audit Defense
- Substantiation and Documentation Assistance
- Risk Assessment of Your Captive

“My experience at the IRS showed me exactly what it is that businesses face when
the agency begins an audit. It can certainly
be an intimidating experience, and that’s
why working with alliantNational to help
businesses through that daunting process
is so rewarding.”
- Mark Everson
Former IRS Commissioner;
alliantgroup Vice Chairman